since update indexing impossible

Publié environ 3 ans il y a par  Charlotte Van der Elst

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Charlotte Van der Elst

Copernic Desktop search suggested me last week to do an reindexing (because the method would be improved).

As of that moment the indexing has stopped completely.

I have version 8.0.0 (build 14328).

Can someone please tell me how to get it to work again?

Can I downgrade to an older version?

18 Votes

31 Commentaires

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Joe Luxford publiés presque 3 ans il y a

Build 8.0.0 is working well for me too.

0 Votes


Larry Edwards publiés presque 3 ans il y a

There is another update out now (Oct 4, build 14425)  which is the first version 8 update that I tried, and the reindexing is working well for me.

Joe Luxford asked "Does  anyone have any suggestions on how to stop Copernic indexing the system files?"

Yes, in the Files part of the Options, "Add" (see below the Folders to Index list) the folder you want to exclude from indexing. Then find that folder in the list of Folders to Index, select it, and click the down arrow in the "Index Action" column and you will find some choices for excluding.

0 Votes


Ron Finzi publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Hello everyone

I installed the program from scratch - I am a new user for trial now - and it works hard on the initial indexing for several days already, but it does work (about 400k records so far). 

It does hand sometimes - mainly if I wrongly choose Tools-Indexing Performance-Unrestricted - Then I must cancel all Copernic appearances in Task Manager (3) and re launch the program.

I give them a chance until finishing the index because the program seems more friendly than the X1 that used until now.

It's really weird not to have any response from support team and it is a good argument against  buying this program.

Best to all and Happy new Year!

0 Votes


wacocrimatty publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Thanks Joe.  I WHITE HOT hate companies like this.  Just selling the program ain't enough.  

0 Votes


LongTime CDS Customer publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Copernic support is not only not responding to this forum, they are not providing useful answers to direct emails about the problem.  Time to go shopping for a better service.

0 Votes


Joe Luxford publiés environ 3 ans il y a


There are numerous posts here now confirming Andre Schirmer's discovery that completely deleting all the Copernic files and then reinstalling V8 does solve the indexing problem.

I went one step further and removed all references to Copernic from the Registry before reinstalling.  I was surprised at how many Copernic keys were left in the Registry to delete after uninstalling it.

The one thing that does surprise me is that the Copernic support department is not monitoring these forums and picking up on what is working and not working to fix the indexing problem in the update.

4 Votes


wacocrimatty publiés environ 3 ans il y a

I hate to "me too" on this, but the suggested reindexing has ground to a halt.  I don't want to drop back to the older version, but would welcome a patch or solution to this issue.  This is a really vital program to me.  I need it to work.

Restarting the program does not work. Hitting the "reindex" switch does not work.  

Please, will someone from the company address this issue?  

0 Votes


Joe Luxford publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Deleting everything from C:// and the registry worked for me.  I now only have one problem:  Copernic insists on indexing the Windows operating system files.  I've deleted C:// from the File indexing options, but it keeps automatically reappearing.

Does  anyone have any suggestions on how to stop Copernic indexing the system files?

0 Votes


Wim Mintiens publiés environ 3 ans il y a


Also for me your workaround solved our problem 1.4 M doc indexed and working !

I've been bugging CDS support in the past days but besides a genaral question 5 days ago , I've havend heard anything form them.

Thanks for your(!) support.


0 Votes


Michael Beissel publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Andre Schirmer

Hi Andre, your workaround works fine for me.

It is a shame for Copernic, that they are not able to solve the problem.


0 Votes


LongTime CDS Customer publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Same issue here.  Email help from Copernic has not been useul.

1 Votes


Michael Beissel publiés environ 3 ans il y a

@Andre Schirmer,

I uninstalled CDS, removed all files from hard disk that were created by CDS, rebooted the computer and re-installed CDS. After the license files had been read in, the indexing process was successfully completed.

your workaround was fine for me too. Many thanks.

0 Votes


Michael Beissel publiés environ 3 ans il y a

@Andre Schirmer

I uninstalled CDS, removed all files from hard disk that were created by CDS, rebooted the computer and re-installed CDS. After the license files had been read in, the indexing process was successfully completed.

Hi Andre, many thanks. Your workaround works also for me.

0 Votes


Andre Schirmer publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Did you try deleting all (!) Copernic files after uninstalling it? I know support only mentions the queue folder. I deleted everything on my hard disk that was once created by CDS then rebooted and installed CDS. In my case it helped. BR Andre

3 Votes


Joe Luxford publiés environ 3 ans il y a

I created a new email and then could download a trial version and import my licence key to activate it.

Unfortunately, the same problem is still there.  Each time I follow Copernic's Help Desk advice to delete the queue, scanning restarts, but only runs for about 2 minutes before stopping.

I might get version 7 from Copernic and go back to that until they sort out the problems with this upgrade.

0 Votes


Andre Schirmer publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Just download the trial version from the Copernic website and have it read in your license(s). After licensing the trial version, it turns into a full version.

0 Votes


Joe Luxford publiés environ 3 ans il y a

How did you obtain another copy of V8 to install?

I can't find it on the Copernic website and I have accidentally deleted the email with the update link after I ran the update.

0 Votes


Andre Schirmer publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Hi everyone,

I uninstalled CDS, removed all files from hard disk that were created by CDS, rebooted the computer and re-installed CDS. After the license files had been read in, the indexing process was successfully completed. I thought this might help some of those with similar issues, although I think the developers could have warned us of something like this to happen.



1 Votes


Ron Finzi publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Same problem with initial indexing - the program just hangs after some time.

need to delete all occurrences through task manager and restart...

why is there no answer from developpers?

I used to use X1 and they would answer quite shortly.

0 Votes

i publiés environ 3 ans il y a

The response that I received from Copernic which seems to have worked is as follows:

You need to uninstall all previous version completely without keeping config and index then reinstall Copernic Desktop Search from scratch. Download installer from -

0 Votes


Andre Schirmer publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Hi everyone,

Same problem. The work-around suggested by CDS support (deleting the queue and index files and restarting the index process) does not help. I contacted support again yesterday. No reply so far.



0 Votes


Claude HENREAUX publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Hello everyone.

Same problem.

I am testing the trial version and have already restarted the computer several times not knowing what the problem is.

Indeed, indexing begins and then everything hangs.

Hope for a quick update to do my test.

Thanks for the information




0 Votes


Michael Beissel publiés environ 3 ans il y a

Good morning all,

same problem here. Indexing stops after a few minutes. 

Closing the program don´t work. The tasks are still running in background. Killing the tasks and restart of Copernic works only for about 5 minutes. Then indexing stops.

net framework 4,8 is running on my machine.



0 Votes


Joe Luxford publiés environ 3 ans il y a

I updated both my PCs to V8.  One updated the index completely at the first attempt.  The other keeps stalling and will not index properly.

Can anyone tell me how to get and reinstall the previous version until Copernic resolve the bug in V8?

0 Votes


Wim Mintiens publiés environ 3 ans il y a

I've opened a ticket @ copernic but uptil now they are saying that it could be slow etc depending on hardware disk ... Not possible at my end , a 24 core system with SSD firecuda's
They asked to clear the queue in appdata dir, I've delete both index  & queue to be sure that we had clean index files

This morning the index was halted, stuck or hangs after 108.000-ich files indexed, last file indexed is a .h file of 29 bytes.

Waiting on there response, keep you posted.

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