How do I search for a file on my computer?

Posted almost 5 years ago by Mirco Persechino

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Mirco Persechino

To search for files on your computer using Copernic Desktop Search, press CTRL twice on your keyboard and the interface will pop-up.

copernic desktop search interface

In the interface that opens up, you will see the search bar at the top, and the search results window in the top part of the screen with a preview pane at the bottom. You can start typing any keywords in the search bar and search results will start to appear. If you know the type of file you are searching for, then use the Files Tab to refine your search. You can even refine even more using the File Type criteria inside the Files Tab. Then, you can browse the search results and preview them without having to open the native application.

copernic desktop search file search

By selecting a file in the search result list, you will automatically see a preview in the preview pane. You can enter a new keyword to find it in that specific file with the “Find” feature.

copernic desktop search find

Looking for a file on a network drive or external hard drive? 

You will need the full version. Also, you need to add the source you are looking for in the Copernic Desktop Search configuration. You need to go to Tools > Options > Files. Click “Add” and select your external source. From now on, its content will be indexed by Copernic Deskotp Search including subfolders.

copernic desktop search file

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Mirco Persechino posted over 4 years ago Best Answer

For wordperfect files, you need to have the Wordperfect extension enabled. 

The wordperfect extension is included with the PRO version, or you can also buy it individually if you only need that extra extension.

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Mirco Persechino posted over 4 years ago Answer

For wordperfect files, you need to have the Wordperfect extension enabled. 

The wordperfect extension is included with the PRO version, or you can also buy it individually if you only need that extra extension.

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William J Lentz posted over 4 years ago

English Please

I need wordperfect search instead of Word

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Roberto Rossi posted over 4 years ago

Non indicizza tutti i file che ho nelcomputer. Perchè?

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