Request for added "smart" treatment of external drives

Posted about 4 years ago by Larry Edwards

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Larry Edwards

 My collection of files is now large enough that I have had to off-load some files to an external drive (with a static drive letter, P), and I still need to have those indexed. Also, I need to use scheduled rather than manual indexing.

I understand that that if the drive is disconnected when the automatic indexing tries to access files on the drive, that files there will be dropped from the index.

My request is that the CDS program be modified so that in the Options > Files box an external drive can be flagged as being external. (When the user flags it, there could be a pop-up warning that the drive must be assigned a static ID letter.) The program would then ignore that drive for indexing if it is not connected, whenever the scheduled indexing tries to access it, and would leave its file entries in the index.

Makes sense, right? Are you willing to do this, Copernic?

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Aage Takvam posted over 3 years ago

Earlier versions of CDS had this possibilityy. I did then index all my external disks with a different station letter. Even if they were not connected, the search result had found files listed. So then I knew which disk to plug in to get the file.
Now I have an USB-disk which is listed for indexing in the options>files, but it wont scan it. That is bad.

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