When searching for several words, the preview pane fills a combo box with a list of those keyword, and I can select which keyword to highlight/jump to.
If I then select a different result and look at the preview again, the combobox has forgotton which keyword I had selected and reselected the first word in its list.
This makes it tricky to go through result after result.
There's a simple workaround, change the order of the keywords searched for, but I still think that combobox should remeber the user selection until a new search is performed.
1 Votes
Tom Jurcicposted
about 1 year ago
Preview search UI capability needs some longstanding user-friendly enhancement/s, like the one mentioned in the here, remembering last preview choice (within context of "unchanged" main search). Btw, if gathering anon. statistics, you should soon notice the importance that preview search feature has in one's experience with daily use of this tool.
When searching for several words, the preview pane fills a combo box with a list of those keyword, and I can select which keyword to highlight/jump to.
If I then select a different result and look at the preview again, the combobox has forgotton which keyword I had selected and reselected the first word in its list.
This makes it tricky to go through result after result.
There's a simple workaround, change the order of the keywords searched for, but I still think that combobox should remeber the user selection until a new search is performed.
1 Votes
Tom Jurcic posted about 1 year ago
Preview search UI capability needs some longstanding user-friendly enhancement/s, like the one mentioned in the here, remembering last preview choice (within context of "unchanged" main search). Btw, if gathering anon. statistics, you should soon notice the importance that preview search feature has in one's experience with daily use of this tool.
0 Votes
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