Ability to treat junctions and symbolic links

Posted over 1 year ago by Atila Belloquim Costa

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Atila Belloquim Costa

It would be nice if Copernic were able to recognize and skip automatically files ando folders which are targets os junctions and/or symbolic links.

Fo example, I moved my Dropbox folder to a big HD to save space in the system SSD (C:) and added a junction in C:\users\me\documents to this new location (say, D:\Dropbox).

What Copernic does today is to index Dropbox twice, doubling index size and showing the same file twice in results.

I could, of course, exclude one of the paths from indexing (this is actually what I am doing now), but I have dozens of this kind of links and always adding more to "offload" things from C:

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