The user can set a folder as a priority for indexing, via Tools > Options > Files. However, CDS ignores these priority settings when the user does a "Clear Index and Re-index All". Ironically, this task is when folder priorities are of the greatest importance, so that this most important part of the eventual complete index will be available without undue delay for the user to do search on.
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Amy Renaudposted
7 months ago
Tont from Technical Support responded via our private messaging system but I will include his comment below should the information be useful for others:
"it is ambiguous to me whether the priority setting applies only to the specified root or also to all subfolders. " This follows the setting of the folder. If the folder is set to "Folders and sub-folders", it will also do subfolders.
Our development team added an investigation task in their backlog but I think this is as good as we can do at the actual time. After adding folders or clearing the index, folders are scanned to discover files. Find files from folders marked as "Index in Priority" are put inside a separated priority list. Other files are put inside other lists. While scanning folders, the indexing threads will scan lists to put files inside the indexing queue to index files. If there are files available inside the priority queue, those files are taken first, otherwise other files are added to the queue. This is why a delay may happen before indexing priority files.
The user can set a folder as a priority for indexing, via Tools > Options > Files. However, CDS ignores these priority settings when the user does a "Clear Index and Re-index All". Ironically, this task is when folder priorities are of the greatest importance, so that this most important part of the eventual complete index will be available without undue delay for the user to do search on.
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Amy Renaud posted 7 months ago Admin
Tont from Technical Support responded via our private messaging system but I will include his comment below should the information be useful for others:
"it is ambiguous to me whether the priority setting applies only to the specified root or also to all subfolders. "
This follows the setting of the folder. If the folder is set to "Folders and sub-folders", it will also do subfolders.
Our development team added an investigation task in their backlog but I think this is as good as we can do at the actual time.
After adding folders or clearing the index, folders are scanned to discover files.
Find files from folders marked as "Index in Priority" are put inside a separated priority list. Other files are put inside other lists.
While scanning folders, the indexing threads will scan lists to put files inside the indexing queue to index files.
If there are files available inside the priority queue, those files are taken first, otherwise other files are added to the queue. This is why a delay may happen before indexing priority files.
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