It would be very nice that I can exclude specific folder names while indexing. For example, I'm indexing a folder where my python projects are saved. There are sub folders with the name "venv" which contain python library files which I don't want to index. I had this feature in "X1 Search", which was very useful for me.
1 Votes
4 Commentaires
Triés par
David Careypubliés
environ 3 ans il y a
Big thumbs s up from me for this request. I certainly believe it would be extremely useful for any developer using Copernic
Mose's use case, i think refers to the use of Python. However it equally applies to any nodejs project. That generally involves the creation of a node_modules directory within each project directory. This directory contains all dependencies and is normally extremely large, so naturally you want to exclude.
However the current process of doing it on a per project basis in Copernic is rather cumbersome, so would be great to have a general wildcard exclusion for any node_modules
Similar use cases exist for Java Projects, typically any target directory named target would be excluded and I'm sure in other development languages
0 Votes
Larry Edwardspubliés
environ 4 ans il y a
I think that is one for the new features wish list. (Have you found that part of this forum?) Also, the clumsy method of browsing should be replaced, so one doesn't have to start from MyComputer repeatedly (clickable memory of where was a moment ago would be really helpful)
0 Votes
Mose Kimpubliés
environ 4 ans il y a
Hi Larry,
Thank you for your Reply. Is there also a way to use wild card to exclude specific subfolder like the following?
I have a lot of "venv" folders to manually exclude.
1 Votes
Larry Edwardspubliés
environ 4 ans il y a
CDS already has that feature. Go to Tools > Options > Files. Then Add the folder you want to exclude. Then click in the Index Action column of the listing at click Skip All or Skip Subfolders. If you do want to index one of its subfolders, make a separate entry for that one, and set it to Folders and Subfolders.
It would be very nice that I can exclude specific folder names while indexing. For example, I'm indexing a folder where my python projects are saved. There are sub folders with the name "venv" which contain python library files which I don't want to index. I had this feature in "X1 Search", which was very useful for me.
1 Votes
4 Commentaires
David Carey publiés environ 3 ans il y a
Big thumbs s up from me for this request. I certainly believe it would be extremely useful for any developer using Copernic
Mose's use case, i think refers to the use of Python. However it equally applies to any nodejs project. That generally involves the creation of a node_modules directory within each project directory. This directory contains all dependencies and is normally extremely large, so naturally you want to exclude.
However the current process of doing it on a per project basis in Copernic is rather cumbersome, so would be great to have a general wildcard exclusion for any node_modules
Similar use cases exist for Java Projects, typically any target directory named target would be excluded and I'm sure in other development languages
0 Votes
Larry Edwards publiés environ 4 ans il y a
I think that is one for the new features wish list. (Have you found that part of this forum?) Also, the clumsy method of browsing should be replaced, so one doesn't have to start from MyComputer repeatedly (clickable memory of where was a moment ago would be really helpful)
0 Votes
Mose Kim publiés environ 4 ans il y a
Hi Larry,
Thank you for your Reply. Is there also a way to use wild card to exclude specific subfolder like the following?
I have a lot of "venv" folders to manually exclude.
1 Votes
Larry Edwards publiés environ 4 ans il y a
CDS already has that feature. Go to Tools > Options > Files. Then Add the folder you want to exclude. Then click in the Index Action column of the listing at click Skip All or Skip Subfolders. If you do want to index one of its subfolders, make a separate entry for that one, and set it to Folders and Subfolders.
0 Votes
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