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Publié presque 4 ans il y a par Terry Muskoff
Copernic popped up a request to update itself today.
I allowed the update to go on.
McAfee blocked the update (see snapshot).
Now Copernic does not work and I cannot find a link to re-install it.
What should I do next?
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4 Commentaires
Kenneth Jordan publiés presque 4 ans il y a
Thanks, it worked.
Terry Muskoff publiés presque 4 ans il y a
My solution was to temporarily disable McAfee antivirus using the settings gear, run the Copernic update with no problems, then enable McAfee again.
I had the same problem. What is the solution?
Ananda Bhaumik publiés presque 4 ans il y a
Yes I do. Any solutions?
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Copernic popped up a request to update itself today.
I allowed the update to go on.
McAfee blocked the update (see snapshot).
Now Copernic does not work and I cannot find a link to re-install it.
What should I do next?
Pièces jointes (1)
Screenshot 2....png
73.3 KB
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4 Commentaires
Kenneth Jordan publiés presque 4 ans il y a
Thanks, it worked.
0 Votes
Terry Muskoff publiés presque 4 ans il y a
My solution was to temporarily disable McAfee antivirus using the settings gear, run the Copernic update with no problems, then enable McAfee again.
0 Votes
Kenneth Jordan publiés presque 4 ans il y a
I had the same problem. What is the solution?
0 Votes
Ananda Bhaumik publiés presque 4 ans il y a
Yes I do. Any solutions?
0 Votes
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