I have noted that Copernic 8 seems to be constantly scanning files. This is frustrating why it is doing this as I have disabled Indexing in the options menu.
This makes no sense as there are no new files to index.
Please advise how i can stop the software constantly scanning
I see Tony from Technical Support responded via private message but have copy/pasted the response here so it can benefit others:
You can workaround the issue by clearing your indexing queue.
1) Simply exit the software with the tray icon (Right click on the tray icon > Exit) 2) Open the following folder: C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Copernic\DesktopSearch\Index\Queue\ Delete the Queue folders and its content. 3) Now restart CDS and it should be working again.
If the issue persist, that's probably because the index is corrupted so in this case you will need to recreate a new index. Repeat the steps 1-3 but this time delete the whole INDEX folder so it will be automatically recreated.
0 Votes
8 mois il y a
Maybe the reason that no one from Copernic has said anything in this thread is that they don't understand why this constant scanning is happening. A moment ago, I saw the weirdest thing yet, my Files Scanned jumped from 100% to 0 and back to 100 in a couple of seconds, then dropped back to 0, crawled (rather than popped) up to 90%, and dropped back to 0..
0 Votes
Les Shannonpubliés
8 mois il y a
Wow! I thought it was something I was doing
0 Votes
9 mois il y a
This problem is still occurring in 8.3.1. It is especially troublesome when indexing OneDrive files that have been marked to be online-only. Shouldn't the OneDrive plugin be capable of scanning the online file or at least changing a file back to online-only after indexing it?
My organization has been problematic in deploying the Dropbox plugin that my unit bought for me, so I do not know if it has the same problem. I have had to exclude the Dropbox folder branch on my workstation from indexing to prevent CDS from completely filling my modest hard disk.
0 Votes
Reid Kistlerpubliés
presque 2 ans il y a
[Desmond] - Did you ever come up with a solution - other than leaving Indexing off? I have also noticed that Copernic (running Ver 8.2.1) constantly Scans files, even with the default Refresh Intervals set.
Example: "Files, Pictures, Music, Videos" - Refresh Interval is Every 4 Days, but I have yet to NOT see the "Scanning File...." information line at the bottom of the main window UNLESS "Pause Indexing" has been activated.
This keeps system drives constantly in use, and also consumes more CPU and Memory resources than should be necessary.
(Pausing the Index process halts Disk usage, but CPU and Memory usage remain relatively high: CPU usage exceeds any other open app, and Memory usage is the second highest.)
I have noted that Copernic 8 seems to be constantly scanning files. This is frustrating why it is doing this as I have disabled Indexing in the options menu.
This makes no sense as there are no new files to index.
Please advise how i can stop the software constantly scanning
Pièces jointes (1)
Indexing Image.JPG
101 KB
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5 Commentaires
Amy Renaud publiés 8 mois il y a Administrateur
I see Tony from Technical Support responded via private message but have copy/pasted the response here so it can benefit others:
You can workaround the issue by clearing your indexing queue.
1) Simply exit the software with the tray icon (Right click on the tray icon > Exit)
2) Open the following folder: C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Copernic\DesktopSearch\Index\Queue\ Delete the Queue folders and its content.
3) Now restart CDS and it should be working again.
If the issue persist, that's probably because the index is corrupted so in this case you will need to recreate a new index. Repeat the steps 1-3 but this time delete the whole INDEX folder so it will be automatically recreated.
0 Votes
G.W.Swicord publiés 8 mois il y a
Maybe the reason that no one from Copernic has said anything in this thread is that they don't understand why this constant scanning is happening. A moment ago, I saw the weirdest thing yet, my Files Scanned jumped from 100% to 0 and back to 100 in a couple of seconds, then dropped back to 0, crawled (rather than popped) up to 90%, and dropped back to 0..
0 Votes
Les Shannon publiés 8 mois il y a
Wow! I thought it was something I was doing
0 Votes
G.W.Swicord publiés 9 mois il y a
This problem is still occurring in 8.3.1. It is especially troublesome when indexing OneDrive files that have been marked to be online-only. Shouldn't the OneDrive plugin be capable of scanning the online file or at least changing a file back to online-only after indexing it?
My organization has been problematic in deploying the Dropbox plugin that my unit bought for me, so I do not know if it has the same problem. I have had to exclude the Dropbox folder branch on my workstation from indexing to prevent CDS from completely filling my modest hard disk.
0 Votes
Reid Kistler publiés presque 2 ans il y a
[Desmond] - Did you ever come up with a solution - other than leaving Indexing off? I have also noticed that Copernic (running Ver 8.2.1) constantly Scans files, even with the default Refresh Intervals set.
Example: "Files, Pictures, Music, Videos" - Refresh Interval is Every 4 Days, but I have yet to NOT see the "Scanning File...." information line at the bottom of the main window UNLESS "Pause Indexing" has been activated.
This keeps system drives constantly in use, and also consumes more CPU and Memory resources than should be necessary.
(Pausing the Index process halts Disk usage, but CPU and Memory usage remain relatively high: CPU usage exceeds any other open app, and Memory usage is the second highest.)
0 Votes
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