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Publié sur un an il y a par Reid Kistler
Copernic: Indexing & Performance -> Schedule -> Category -> Refresh Interval.
"Refresh Interval" setting is expressed in DAYS, which implies "Every x Days Refresh the Index for this Category" - but Copernic Indexes (Scans / Indexes) EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY - which leads to a lot of drive usage.
Is this a BUG, or am I missing something here?
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Copernic: Indexing & Performance -> Schedule -> Category -> Refresh Interval.
"Refresh Interval" setting is expressed in DAYS, which implies "Every x Days Refresh the Index for this Category" - but Copernic Indexes (Scans / Indexes) EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY - which leads to a lot of drive usage.
Is this a BUG, or am I missing something here?
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