I have a client that has a strict internet policy and cannot register v6 online.
He only has a serial and no .lic file.
Since we cannot register the serial online and we do not have an .lic file, can someone tell me how we can continue this process successfully?
Kind regards,
0 Votes
Amy Renaudposted
about 1 year ago
I see Luc from Technical Support responded privately via our ticketing system. Since this information is helpful for others, I wanted to include his response here as well.
To complete an offline activation, you need to export your license file.
How to Export an Oflline License.lic File:
1- Disconnect form the internet.
2- Start Copernic Desktop search.
3- Enter your serial
4- You’ll be invited to Export the license. Click on EXPORT
5- Browse to where you want to put the exported offline license file.
6- A file named: OfflineLicenses.lic will be created.
7- Send us this offline file.
8- The file will be authentificated and send back to you.
1- Restart Copernic Desktop search.
2- Disconnect form the internet.
3- Import the license file.
4- You’ll be invited to Import the license. Click on IMPORT
Hi everyone,
I have a client that has a strict internet policy and cannot register v6 online.
He only has a serial and no .lic file.
Since we cannot register the serial online and we do not have an .lic file, can someone tell me how we can continue this process successfully?
Kind regards,
0 Votes
Amy Renaud posted about 1 year ago Admin
I see Luc from Technical Support responded privately via our ticketing system. Since this information is helpful for others, I wanted to include his response here as well.
0 Votes
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