Copernic opening Office file results in browser instead of desktop app - hate it

Posted about 1 year ago by Mark Whitworth

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Mark Whitworth

I believe this started in the last couple of updates.  I edit dozens of Office docs a week and I prefer to use the desktop app of Word, Powerpoint, etc. vs the browser editor (number of reasons).  Now when I click on a Copernic result it ALWAYS opens in a browser instead of the desktop app.  

I've checked the Windows settings to ensure the extensions are set to use the desktop apps rather than the browser - it appears to work file from file explorer so it seems to be a Copernic bug or "feature" that is starting to make me revert to using other search methods more frequently.

TIA for any help.

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Amy Renaud

Amy Renaud posted 6 months ago Admin

I see Phil responded to this privately via our messaging system. I have included pertinent information from the exchange below should it help others: 

both files are going to be found when we are speaking of Outlook and Onedrive. 
When you search for a word or a phrase from your email, you will likely get the version from Micrsoft365\Inbox (which will open in the browser) and the email redacted\inbox version (which would open in my app.) 

You can always select the email folder to be Microsoft outlook in your refinements to ensure you are getting the app version results. 
The dev team also mentioned the following:

The problem is when the file is only available from the cloud, the only way to open the file in edit mode is through the Web Browser. If the file is copied locally, it's a temporary copy that will be used and all modifications on the file will be lost and not committed to the cloud 

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Mark Whitworth posted 6 months ago

I think this is more answered than solved, but I'm not going to die on that hill.  I do think there is some additional information from that exchange that others should know if they come across this ticket.  I don't use Copernic to index Outlook at all - only local files and Onedrive, so the above solution doesn't help address the issue in my case.  The following was the part I got that seemed to suggest this is a limited capability because it will or can only open through the Web Browser.

The problem is when the file is only available from the cloud, the only way to open the file in edit mode is through the Web Browser. If the file is copied locally, it's a temporary copy that will be used and all modifications on the file will be lost and not committed to the cloud  

This is different behavior than what I'd seen in the previous several years I've been using Copernic to index Onenote files in addition to local.  I don't know if this change was do to something on Microsoft's side or Copernic's, but I wish it could be worked around.  The workflow was really nice and efficient, and now there are always a couple of extra steps to open in the app and close the web tab.

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Gareth Morgan posted about 2 months ago

This is happening with local files in e.g my downloaded Dropbox folder. Even open the folder now opens in a browser.

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